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22 January, 2017

Day 1 in the Darkroom…

By Hamish Gill

On Friday I did something I've been promising myself for a long time, and something I specifically wanted to do in 2017. I went on a darkroom beginners workshop. I've built a da...

10 January, 2017

The lure of the uncomplicated camera

By Hamish Gill

Readers of this blog and those who interact with me on social media often comment about what they see as a varied choice of cameras in my collection. The most common comments I ...

7 January, 2017

Polaroid 690 Review – by Adam Laws

By Adam Laws

I know what you’re thinking. A Polaroid article on 35mmc, whatever next. I did have to twist Hamish’s arm to get this included. However before you reach for the flaming torch an...