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18 June, 2015

First shots with the Leica M Edition 60

By Hamish Gill

I realised something today that made me smile. This Leica M edition 60 with its matching 35mm Summilux is the first digital Leica M I’ve spent any time with. I’ve sn...

17 June, 2015

Contax T3 Review – A regular companion

By Hamish Gill

The Contax T3 is a camera I thought about buying many times before I put my money down. It's the camera I thought about buying after I felt I achieved so much with the Yashica T...

10 June, 2015

First roll from UK Film Lab

By Hamish Gill

Having become a touch disappointed with the inconsistency of colour work I have been getting back from my local D&P, I thought it about time I tried a pro-lab. Having done a...