With nothing to do apart from load and wind the film, focus, press the shutter & possibly add in some flash the Konica C35 EFP is a shining example of a point and shoot and was ...
The Samsung AF Slim is quite an uncommon camera. I'd been keeping an eye out for them on ebay for one for quite some time when I eventually bought mine. £14 I paid for it, which...
The Plaubel Makina 670, in my opinion, is the perfect medium format rangefinder camera. Hell, I'll go one step further and say it's the perfect camera. So much so, that it ruine...
I love 35mm film photography. I also love the 35mm focal length. Strangely enough, I’ve devised a social test involving these two facts. The purpose of this test is to id...
I've been ogling the Lumu for a few years. I don't know exactly when it came out, but I remember being profoundly impressed by it as a concept. An accessory light meter for the ...
I signed up for the TravelingYashica in June 2014 when I saw the theme on my twitter feed. It was a long wait of 18 months till I got my hands on the camera in Jan 2015. The cam...
Zaid who makes the Zaidmade leather goods contacted me a few months ago asking me if I'd like to try one of his leather film cases. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I ...
I only shot a few photos from a couple of rolls with the Leica 28mm Elmarit-M ASPH, but it was enough to realise that it's nothing short of a stunning bit of kit. As good as it ...