When I finished university, I didn’t think burnout would hit me… how very wrong I was indeed. I was fortunate enough to attend a fantastic university, especially fo...
The Omnar 35mm f/3.5 Pantessa (short for pancake-tessar) is a limited-edition rehousing of the Carl Zeiss 35mm f/3.5 optics found in the Yashica T, T3, T4 and T5 Super cameras. ...
I’d like to talk about one of my favourite cameras, the Petri Color 35. Now sure you might be thinking that this is an odd choice. And to a certain extent you’d be r...
This is an abbreviated version of a talk I gave to a local chapter of the Italian Federation of Amateur Photographers (FIAF) on the challenges of photographing in a Teatro all&#...
For a ‘Full Frame’ camera it is quite heavy. Certainly big, dwarfing my Ricoh KR10 from 1980. But without doubt it’s absolutely gorgeous. In a way it is alm...
If you grew up in the analogue age, chances are your first 35mm camera came with a fifty millimeter “kit” lens. These “nifty 50s” were reasonably sma...
During a recent visit to a favorite antique store, I went to my favorite display case which were filled with cameras. One never knows what will be there and so it’s fun to...
A road trip through Montenegro is a must. In June I was lucky enough to spend 5 days with my partner enjoying some of the Montenegro coastline equipped with my Canon AE-1. All m...