Light Lens Lab surely has been one of the most interesting (to my eyes) lens makers in the recent years. This is for a couple of reasons: they try to replicate some of the most ...
The Samyang Remaster Slim is possibly one of the most unusual lenses I have reviewed on this website – it’s a lens that I was more intrigued by than a great deal of...
This is the Viltrox 28mm f/4.5 Pancake Lens, it is soon to be launched on Indigogo, but I’ve been playing with the copy I have here for the last week or so. I am, I admit...
Those of you who frequently read 35mmc probably already read my recent review of the Simera 35mm f1.4 launched by Thypoch, a newcomer in the lens making business. Their 35mm f1....
I am a man with many interests and hobbies. Beyond just collecting and using cameras I also like to repair them. Sometimes even successfully.
I acquired a Ricoh ZR-20sp for r...
Unusually, this review has 3 authors. I (Hamish) was sent the TTArtisan 28mm f/5.6 lens to try a few months ago. Not long later, Vincent got in touch to say he was going to revi...
Last autumn time, I shot a single element ‘Lens Punk LPK-M’ lens on my Leica M10-P. The lens is made by a chap called Dom, he doesn’t class himself as an expert in optics, he ju...
The Industar-69 (Индуста́р-69) is a strange but beguiling beast. Originally designed for the Chaika (Чайка) camera, it wasn't really meant to be used with other cameras. The ori...