For the past few years, I’ve been exploring large-format paper negatives which has been a transformative journey that has reshaped both my creativity and my sense of well...
This camera shoots unlimited film photos! Has become a popular click bait title in the YouTube photography space. These creators are attempting to capitalize on a widespread des...
Well, here we are. Once every while during the pursuit of your passion you get to wonder what’s wrong with you to make you end up in the current situation your in. For me...
I have been developing my own film for a few years now and am slightly addicted to the process. There is just something magic about loading your film into the spools adding the ...
Recently, I was chatting with the manager of VSSOutlet, a mostly online used camera gear shop, but which also happens to be located near me. He showed me a weird sliding large f...
There is lots of advice on this on the web but here is some more, in case it is helpful to anyone. I recently started to use film again and, as it was inexpensive, invested in a...
Grant Haist claimed some time ago that you could develop film in almost anything, including pee. His words echoed across the internet and IRL when I shared the project details t...
I recently wrote about my adventures in RA4 colour reversal and the Pinsta pinhole camera. Once I had a workable method, I got to wondering about how difficult it might be to pe...