I wrote an article in 2001 about an almost 100 year old camera. Revisiting it now just over 20 years later I am staggered at the progress that has been made with digital equipme...
The box camera must be one of the longest running types ever produced. Niécephore Niépce used one to make the very first photographic image in the 1820s and Fox Talbot and Dague...
When an Ensign All Distance camera from 1927 came up on the local auction site, a wave of nostalgia saw me thinking about revisiting my first, very basic, box camera. Having own...
First a confession: That photo isn’t Mom’s Kodak; but it’s just like it. Using a 1950's Kodak Brownie Hawkeye model with either 120 or 620 film and a bulb flash is easy and rewa...