In this post you will find out why I don’t know the answers to the question "what camera should I buy?". You WIll also find out why I don’t make specific recommendations for par...
For many photographers rangefinder cameras are some of the most simple, easy to use, unimposing and inconspicuous cameras available. Yet for those who don’t get on with them, th...
This post has been a long-time coming, I think I’ve lost count of the number of times Hamish has trolled me about writing about shooting 35mm pinhole cameras.
Gear isn’t the be all and end-all, but the right gear still makes life so much easier. While street photography may not be the absolutely most demanding photography medium on eq...
Quite recently, Hamish published an article about Barnack Leica’s giving 7 reasons to own one. Well, he mentioned all the advantages of these cameras, but he didn’t ...
7 reasons and a whole load of waffle about why I (and some reader of 35mmc) think all photographers should own, or at least try, a thread mount Leica