After giving up on the idea of a software approach to modifying the Mju II, I decided to go analogue, which is how I came across Hamish’s article. I followed his advice an...
5 January, 2015
Adjusting a Leica M3 to focus closer than 1 metre
I bought an Leica M3 on ebay over Christmas. To be honest, when I came around from the excitement and realised that I had bought a Leica M3 on ebay, I did worry a little bit. My...
14 December, 2014
Modification of Pentax Espio Mini to retain flash settings
As part of the process of playing with, testing and reviewing the Pentax Espio Mini – in much the same way as I did with the Oly mju-ii – I have become intrigued by ...
26 October, 2014
Flash switch hack for the Olympus AF-10 super
Edit: Since writing this post, I have also written a review of this brilliantly crap camera – Olympus AF-10 Super or: Pushing the functional limits of a crap point & s...
22 April, 2014
Modification of Pentax PC35AF to kill the beeping
I’m on the look out for another Pentax PC35af at the moment, as the one featured in this article, along with two others I have has a dicky AF. It seems failing AF is a fai...
11 August, 2013
Modification of Olympus mju-ii to retain flash settings
I am still writing my review of the olympus mju-ii, but this modification might give some clue to one of my thoughts regarding it. The camera’s inability to retain it̵...