For months after I got a Mamiya C220, I struggled with focusing. There were all sorts of possible explanations and I even visited an optician to discuss the issue in detail. Fin...
Tony Warren’s recent post entitled, “My TLRs Over the Years”, got me thinking about the who, what, where, and how my experiences with TLR’s made phot...
Over the last few years my photography has definitely moved away from landscape to urban subjects. Of course, restrictions due to the pandemic were the catalyst for this s...
With an appointment nearby at 7pm and having arrived in the area at 6:15 I had about 40 minutes to shoot the third film of the day that I had promised myself I would take. With ...
During the pandemic, I found a Canon Rebel T7 that my father had won through a miles program and never took it out of the box, and I started photographing to kill time. Naturall...
Examples of images made on a selection of twin lens reflex cameras.
The great Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami wrote a book titled What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. Let’s talk about running and photography. I am a passionate p...
There are no mistakes, only learning experiences. After about 8 weeks from the start of my challenge I’ve had plenty of learning experiences so I thought it would be wort...