The biggest issue I have is with the concept of the SLR is the viewfinder. It seems to me that the technology around the SLR viewfinder was flawed from day one, and has now been...
The perfect 35mm compact camera does not exist. There are two reasons for this. One is that there are limits to how far you can miniaturize a reliable, durable, easy-to-use came...
I really enjoyed Hamish's recent articles about the Sony A7RII, and the one regarding the never ending “film vs digital” debate. To me, these two articles felt as though they we...
In photography, as in life, it is easy to take ourselves too seriously. Once you go beyond being a simple snapshot photographer and move unto the realm of finer craftsmanship, t...
Taking a good or great picture with a single use is really all about composition. Other parameters, like light or contrasts, are in the hands of the lab. Motion blur is often in...
Readers of this blog and those who interact with me on social media often comment about what they see as a varied choice of cameras in my collection. The most common comments I ...
When I posted the first few shots from the Leica M8, I made comment about the colour being a bit whacky inside my living room almost forcing me to shoot black and white. This wa...
My first year of shooting film Part 2 A month ago I wrote a guest post about my first steps in film photography. I got some very useful feedback, and encouragement to proceed. T...