I love using just one lens. No philosophy, it just resonates with me to get to know its intricacies and always know what to do to get what I want. I’m not quite there yet ...
Long-term 35MMC readers recall that I have used my dad’s Leica IIIC rangefinder camera for decades. He bought it at the Post Exchange in Guam in 1949 and used it for famil...
As much as I enjoy shooting film, I still take the majority of my photographs with digital cameras. That said, I prefer to use cameras and lenses which give me as much simplicit...
I started to shoot on film in a cold winter of 2014. I used to shoot mainly with compact film cameras with color negative film, were I tried to test as many as possible of them....
I’ve recently got my hands on a Canon 50mm f/1.5 Leica thread mount lens. A Sonnar derived gem with a bit of a mixed reputation, it’s a lens I’ve been interested for a long time...
I’ve had this little Canon 50mm f/2.2 for a while now - I bought it attached to a Canon P. Both camera and lens were items I’d eyed up on eBay a few times, so when I saw the com...
The Canon 50mm f/1.4 ltm is a lens that doesn’t seem to quite have the following it deserves - or at least that’s what you’d guess by looking at their used value. I think in rea...