I recently got back into bulk loading 135 format film and as usual, fell short on reloadable cassettes. Since I don’t get into Vancouver too often, I decided to look online and ...
Welcome to part two of my exploration of slide film. You can read part one here. I was really pleased with the number of slide enthusiasts who commented and the general consensu...
Like so many photographers during 2020, I was seeking a way to use photography to personally respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. Inspiration finally struck as England first came o...
I must admit that the main photo and the title of the article are a little joke. The PF Micro 110 camera is near the simplest thing ever invented and the 3M-110 film cassette ex...
Today I would like to take you on a voyage into the post-war film industry of Germany and specifically the DDR, East-Germany with a look back at the history and films or Orwo. M...
For me, the secret is film from the former USSR, you need to find them of course, that’s half the battle, and you can find them, duh, in the former USSR and most interesting are...