A while ago, I got hold of a couple of 35mm Fujichrome Fortia SPs expired in 2008. It came from a photographer who promised it had been kept frozen when they were still fresh. I...
If Kalashnikov Ever Made Camera, then that would be Kiev 60. Definitely. But I love it, it’s large, shutter really kicks with that satisfying sound, gives you feeling tha...
I tried out my first ever 35mm roll of Fuji Velvia 50 (‘RVP’) in mid 1990, not very long after it became available in Australia. It totally blew my mind and I was ...
A few years ago, I was gifted a lot of film for a project I was working on which involved shooting a roll a day for two weeks and vlogging my journey. I was mailed so much that ...
Over the past few years I’ve been working on a couple of projects which will explore the use of Stonehenge as an active religious site. As this is a long-term effort I hav...
With color films often in short supply and prices continuing to increase, it was sad news when Fuji “paused” Superia X-TRA 400 in April of this year. It’s re...
I bought this stunning Fujica Half 1.9 on ebay for a few pounds - described for spear or repair. Oh boy, I had hoped it would work! Unfortunately it didn't, but it was easy to f...
In February, I went on a family trip to the Cinque Terre region in northern Italy. I brought with me my Nikon FM2n and some Nikkors (20mm ƒ/3.5, 50mm ƒ/1.8, and 200mm ƒ/4). The ...