I haven't submitted anything for a while: I'm six months into a medical condition that largely effects my upper limbs, in particular so-called 'clumsy hands'. This has greatly r...
When the pandemic hit I was in the midst of my first winter working as a postman/mailman/brevbärare/whatever-your-preference. For the first four months, I sat on my bottom, all ...
This is part of a project I’ve had going for a while. It’s about aesthetics and observation. I’m trying to strip everything I can out of the process of making an image and then ...
Let me set things straight: I do love Kodak Portra. It is the color negative film I use all the time. And, probably like many of you guys, could easily deal with it if Portra wa...
The American Leica, no. A tough and durable rangefinder camera that has survived the decades with an awesome lens, yes. The 1950s made Argus C4 (aka C-Four as is written on the ...
800 is a big number in film photography, at least if you’re using colour film. The most sensitive colour films currently available all top out at 800 ISO. Kodak Portra is beauti...
The classic scene: an advert for a bunch of random film cameras that showed no hint of what the cameras actually were. I met with the seller and she showed me a dilapidated box ...
I came of age in the ’70’s and ’80’s shooting film like the vast majority of other people did: you picked up your yellow box of Kodak 200 or 400 speed film at Walgreens, shot a ...