This year I made a trip to visit a friend for the first time since he'd moved from the UK to Norway. I took my Hasselblad 501CM, Canon Sureshot A1 and a sack of Kodak colour neg...
Regular readers of 35mmc know that I like to photograph urban (and rural) decay. Last December (2019), quite by chance, I found a treasure in Jackson, Mississippi. In the southe...
When I was about 18 I was getting into photography and I had a huge poster of Ansel Adam’s ‘Moon and Half Dome’ on my wall. I devoured everything I could about Adams which led m...
Yes, I know, I am living in the past. I remember when I could buy a Shutterbug in the supermarket, read through page after page of small-text advertisements, and call (with my l...
Dear Readers, I still have a few rolls of Ektar 25 in 120 size in my freezer. My rolls expired in 1995, but fortunately they seem to be responding correctly without obvious colo...