As a family we go to Brean beach once a year in the winter. It’s become something of a tradition. It’s actually become one of my favourite family traditions, purel...
We rarely have snow here in southern Germany anymore, so whenever winter makes a brief visit, it’s time to grab a camera, go outside and capture the unique atmosphere and ...
The Minolta SRT-102 did not speak to me. It was a very serviceable camera, and in looking at the photos that I shot with a better understanding of aperture and shutter speed, I ...
I’ve been away from film photography for decades. As a teen in the 1970’s, I carried my Ricoh SLR with me almost everywhere. By the time I reached college, the Rico...
It’s still a little unbelievable, but my son was recently gifted an extensive collection of vintage high end still equipment that had been sitting in a friend’s ba...
Brace yourselves, this won’t be pleasant. Stored at the top of the fridge in my London flat I found several rolls of Delta 3200 now eight years past the expiry date. I&#x...
My wife and I are fortunate to live in close proximity to the Oregon coast, one of the most scenic stretches of coastline in the United States, if not the world. We visit ...
I’ve never written a 5 frames article before, usually because I can’t decide on which 5 frames I’d like to include, I’ve attempted it several times b...