And the story goes like this …A foggy Saturday morning of November we arrived by car. Not too late, not too early. As soon as arrived we were to be separated into groups and put...
We've reached the season of pushing film; early nights begin to encroach, and rain clouds diffuse the day. This time last year I started to play with Delta 3200 for everyday use...
The Yorkshire War Experience is held once a year near a town called Hunsworth. Many hundreds of people meet, together with around 500 military vehicles and other military equipm...
This series of B&W flowers helped me to discover the beauty of Ilford HP5. Everyone raved about it, but I seemed to be missing the point. However, recently I was ‘forced’ to use...
If you have read any of my previous posts, you may have noticed a growing but common thread running through them: the Olympus OM range of compact SLR cameras. I have been using ...
Finally. After more than two weeks of nothing but dark and grey skies in the Netherlands this weekend presented me with some light. That also meant a temperature below 0 degrees...
I had been to a gig at a local music venue at which the bouncer had nearly not let me in because of my little micro four thirds camera. He asked me if it was “professional”, whi...
“I think you're getting obsessed” my wife said when I told her about my latest impulse purchase, an Olympus OM2n. It was to good of a deal to pass up! She's right though.