It is common today that women are photographed sexy and slightly undressed to attract attention to the subject, photographer or both. There is so much of this sort of photograph...
I am not a TikTok user myself, but as a college student I think I might be the odd man out. For those of you who are not familiar with TikTok, that’s a topic for another day, bu...
In early 2018 I bought a lot of 5 cameras for £5, including postage. The camera I bought it for was the Canon Megazoom 105 (who could resist such a name). Sadly this didn't work...
Despite how far I feel I've come both personally and professionally over the last few years there are still times where I'm really knocked back a step, and reminded just how muc...
One late evening my father received a call from ‘Mahaprabhu Dasa’, a stalwart devotee. Mahaprabhu informed us that a ‘Rathyatra’ would soon take place in Glastonbury town centre...
I’ve been shooting film for about a year and a half now, mostly when I don’t feel like using my Fuji X-H1 with, predominantly, the XF 56mm f/1.2. It started when I walked into a...
Like so many photographers during 2020, I was seeking a way to use photography to personally respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. Inspiration finally struck as England first came o...
I was on holidays down the coast (as we say around here) and because the plan was to just relax I took a roll of black and white film and a Point and Shoot with me. I had a rol...