I bought the Rollei XF 35 second-hand about five years ago because I was looking for a simple point-and-shoot camera with a high-quality lens for 35mm film. I must admit, I don&...
Gear Acquisition Syndrome; aka GAS. We all seem to suffer from it one way or another. Whenever I find an excuse (and some extra cash) to buy new gear, I jump on it. Whether that...
The late hours of a day are dangerous times, because this is when the mind, lacking tasks, begins to look for a way to keep itself busy. To make a long story short, this is why,...
The Canon Serenar 50mm f/1.8 lens in M39 mount is a heavy brass assembly weighing 270 grams. It is small, so the weight feels exaggerated in my hand. It has 10 diaphragm blades ...
Sometime last year I borrowed a Konica IIIa off Rob Hawthorn. The plan was to shoot a few rolls and review it. He assured me it was an awesome camera with a great lens and viewf...
These photographs were captured by me in Carmel, California for my sister’s wedding. Development was done by thedarkroom.com but I scanned all of these on a Nikon Coolsca...
The title covers it pretty well. But for more context a few months ago I was invited to a Low Rider Car Show. I had been wanting to attend one for a few years, but my timing was...
Hello, my name is Henry, I am 22 years old, and I live in Bristol. By day I work in a coffee roastery and by night I take photographs. I have been shooting for about 3 years now...