Working as a pro for the last 50 years I never had the extra cash for a Leica. Any time I had ‘extra’ cash it went towards my work gear, lighting or Nikon film camer...
Recently I thought I would give colour negative film a try again having used a great deal of this film type in the past, which I used to process myself in Neofin Colour chemistr...
Having learned photography in college on an SLR Nikon FM2 in the late 80s and early 90s, then jumping into digital as early as 1999, I never experimented with medium format or s...
Well, all roads would eventually lead here. I knew it in my gut. My dalliance with different film cameras and a desire for a certain quality took me past 35mm shooters with dece...
I consider myself pretty lucky to live within a 4-hour drive of one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world. As an avid backpacker and photographer, it troubled me when I real...
With color films often in short supply and prices continuing to increase, it was sad news when Fuji “paused” Superia X-TRA 400 in April of this year. It’s re...
I have many film cameras and I’m lucky to have a very understanding partner, who has always supported me with my ‘quirky film camera and photography habit’,...
I used to be an avid (amateur) photographer back in those times when you either shot film, or drew/painted, to create images. Simple happy times those were… Then, around the tur...