It seemed like a good idea to drop a roll of 35mm colour negative into my camera and go and pop off 36 exposures in a couple of hours, or at least it would have been two years a...
An annual Herreshoff vintage yacht regatta is held in Bristol for owners of classic Herreshoff wooden boats. Most were built in our town in the glory days of the storied Herres...
I’ve read more than once that the Schneider 90mm f:4 Apo Symmar Macro PQS lens for the Rollei 6xxx and Hy6 systems is the best lens in medium format. Hasselblad own...
I recently fell for analog cameras, especially vintage ones. It feels like a rabbit hole much of the time, chasing that elusive, cosmetically beautiful, functionally accurate, 6...
Hackney Wick has become a haven for creatives over the last 5 years, the once wasteland of London has been converted into acres and acres of space for artists of all formats, so...
Inspiration can can come from many sources. When my wife found a photo of an Argus Argoflex at an antique shop and gave it to me for my Christmas present, little did she know th...
My father was a sort of gadget freak back in the ‘60’s when gadgets weren’t even a thing. He was always getting us gadgets for birthday gifts. For example, on my 25th birthday h...
This Yashica T2 is a new pickup that I initially bought to repair and flip. While I was able to repair it (the battery door was bad, as is common on older point-and-shoots), I m...