The Long Beach Peninsula juts out from the SW corner of Washington State. This low-lying arm of land separating Willapa Bay from the Pacific Ocean features lots of sandy beach--...
The text message from my brother said there was a package heading my way but I was not to open it until Christmas. Being we are both camera junkies and most of our weekly phone ...
You never forget your first. The Halina 160 was my first camera. It’s just over 30 years since I opened it on Christmas morning and shot my first roll of film. With that camera ...
Is a photograph any good if it needs an introduction? Shouldn´t art speak to you without accompanying words? Shouldn't a great picture captivate your imagination and inspire tho...
As a lifelong New Yorker, no winter is complete without at least one snow fall. For me, what I enjoy most about the snow is the initial hour or so when the flakes are particula...
My girlfriend and I started this journey of analog photography with an Olympus OM10 three years ago. Now we shoot almost every day, we develop and scan all of our film and I cou...
This year I made a trip to visit a friend for the first time since he'd moved from the UK to Norway. I took my Hasselblad 501CM, Canon Sureshot A1 and a sack of Kodak colour neg...
The Konica Genba Kantoku is a tough guy: a basic point & shoot, wearing hard hats, boots and safety gloves. Built for Japanese foremen, these chunky cameras used to document pro...