I grew up in a village in the south of England. Not a deeply rural place, but surrounded by enough woodland and field to keep any child exploring through many a long summer. Dur...
Shooting an handball match between Italy and France, unfortunately with an unhappy ending for my Country, was an opportunity to bring back to life the rugged Canon Eos 1V, the m...
When I first got back into shooting film around 2013, the first film SLR I acquired after a brief flirtation with lomography cameras was the Minolta X-700. I got it and a couple...
Visiting Vienna is like returning to some place you never visited. I know it does sound weird, but it is so nonetheless, because every time I come here I see a different face of...
Analogue photography certainly has its limitations when compared to what’s available with modern digital cameras. This however doesn’t have to stymie creativity or t...
After watching Luchino Visconti’s acclaimed Rocco e suoi fratelli (1960) some years ago, I craved to visit Milan, particularly the city’s main attraction: the Mila...
The last decade and a half have been a rough time for people shooting film, watching Kodak in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, the discontinuation of favorite film stocks, rising prices, ...
Working as a pro for the last 50 years I never had the extra cash for a Leica. Any time I had ‘extra’ cash it went towards my work gear, lighting or Nikon film camer...