Over the Christmas break, we had a series of maybe 5 days of fog. It was that proper fog that just doesn’t seem to go away throughout the day and after a while starts to ...
I had forgotten about this picture. Last I thought about it was a couple of years ago when I entered it in a gallery’s call for entry. It placed as honorable mention. The ...
As a family we go to Brean beach once a year in the winter. It’s become something of a tradition. It’s actually become one of my favourite family traditions, purel...
The Maniototo is a wide open plain in the South Island of New Zealand. It sits at the same latitude as Queenstown, and is half way from there to the eastern coast of the island....
Get out and photograph a tree because “the world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes”. There’s a tree growing not far from wh...
If you were to mention Turkmenistan in conversation to most people you would probably get a blank look, if you did get a flicker of recognition it would probably be followed up ...
Looks mundane doesn’t it? No matter how I tried to dress it up – choosing a day of dramatic clouds and hanging a fortuitously discarded lifebouy on the railings &#x...
Sometimes in life, we may be fortunate enough to stumble upon a place which delights the senses, quickens our imagination, and yet soothes the soul at the same time. One such a ...