I had without realising it been spoiled by a lab that used Fuji Negastar B/W developer. This developer made all the films I sent, especially 400asa films, look great. Fine grain...
A year ago I decided I had come to the end of my time as a film only photographer, it had been a wonderful time full of film discoveries, I must have tried out over 40 different...
I have used this little Leica for a couple of years having bought it 2nd hand during the Lock-downs. The original lens was the Elmar 5cm f3.5, the type that sits inside the came...
I’ve had my Leica iiia for a long time now, and though I didn’t use it for about 4 1/2 years, I hadn’t been able to rationalise selling it. At least, that was the case until a c...
Until a few weeks ago I hadn’t held a Barnack Leica for a good few years, so long in fact that whilst I knew the name “Leica” when I did hold one, I had no rea...