It hardly seems possible but I only accepted my Tele Rolleiflex into my life a smidge over one year ago. It feels like much longer. My story is perhaps typical, a digital shoote...
Examples of images made on a selection of twin lens reflex cameras.
I’m Jeffery Luhn and I’m happy to respond to Geoff Chaplin’s TLR Challenge! Background: A week after beginning my career as a news photographer in 1969, I acqu...
I have been intrigued by medium format film cameras for a while. It wasn’t until I saw a very positive review of a Yashica D TLR that I seriously looked into the po...
There are no mistakes, only learning experiences. After about 8 weeks from the start of my challenge I’ve had plenty of learning experiences so I thought it would be wort...
My first foray into the world of TLR cameras was back in the early 1980’s, courtesy of a brand new Lubitel. I bought it from an old fashioned camera shop on Oldham Street ...
This is a review of the Pearl River 4. But first a little Chinese camera history. The first TLR to be manufactured in China was the Shanghai TLR by the Shanghai Camera company. ...
It’s not the camera, it’s not because it’s square format, it’s me, or rather us, we just don’t click together. Years ago I used a Hasselblad f...