I picked up this Nikkormat FTn back in the winter - it was actually the first of a string of SLRs I’ve recently either bought or tried. Beyond my usual desire to buy cameras to ...
It's like the deodorant Secret: “Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.”...
The Nikon EM perfect! I love it. There's nothing it can't do. Well... that's an exaggeration...
Last year I wrote a short piece for 35mmc as part of the “5 frames with” series. The camera I used was my Nikon Fm3a with the Nikkor 50mm f1.2 AIS lens- a combination that I jus...
Having “upgraded” from my Nikon F75 to a Nikon F80, this little project has definitely come to an end. In fact, with the F75 being deposited on a particular shelf at work that u...
Short of lenses attached to various point & shoot cameras it’s been ages since I’ve shot with a zoom. I am of course a prime lens snob. Blah, blah, limitations, blah, blah, smal...
The biggest issue I have is with the concept of the SLR is the viewfinder. It seems to me that the technology around the SLR viewfinder was flawed from day one, and has now been...
I talked around the way I think differently with different cameras in my hands in my post about the Lure of the Uncomplicated camera. How the Nikon F75 impacted on my thought pr...
The one feature I’ve always desired from a compact camera is a 50mm lens. I would estimate that around 75% of my photography is shot with a normal focal length. This is actually...