The late hours of a day are dangerous times, because this is when the mind, lacking tasks, begins to look for a way to keep itself busy. To make a long story short, this is why,...
This time two years ago I decided to shoot my first roll of film in almost a decade. It only took that one roll to get me hooked on photography again, and since then I’ve...
I'm fascinated by the idea of using unusual film stock to achieve a specific look. While shopping around online for Kodak Ektar 100, I stumbled upon a small, funky camera store ...
I’ll be the first to admit I am not much of a 35mm connoisseur. In the past decade my focus has been shooting landscapes and archaeology with medium format systems and the occas...
My relationship with the Pentax ME Super has been quite short. I initially thought it might just about supplant the MX, but after finding it increasingly frustrating throughout ...
In Autumn 2015 I travelled to America to see my best friend, who had moved to Pitsburgh about 6 months earlier. My husband and I are absolutely not city people but decided that ...
I am sharing a whole roll of Ilford HP5. Is that not everyone’s first roll of film?
I really like the idea of sharing a whole roll. In fact on my learning log I regularly analy...
I found my first Pentax Me Super in a local charity shop for £15 and fell in love with its super compact form. Being the pathetic aesthete that I am, I decided that I also ...