One of my more recent projects in the darkroom has been to explore further options on how to process my black and white film. I would in the past just follow the normal method o...
Spottie (Pentax Spotmatic) is not unloved but tends to not get enough exercise. She proudly sits in the glass cabinet with her neighbors. However, when I shoot 35mm, I usually c...
On holiday in Northumberland, and needing to kill till time whilst wife and daughter were shopping, I wandered into an Antiques shop and was confronted by a Pentax Spotmatic wit...
This past summer I did a road trip to visit my parents in southern Alberta. My insatiable desire for adventure prompted me to convince my folks to visit the provincial park Head...
Sometimes we get pockets of time, and these create adventures, discoveries. On a recent trip to North Carolina, decided to take a detour to a local camera store and see what the...