As a fan of manual processes that have since become more automated over the span of history, I couldn’t help pondering the similarities between two of my main interests; quality...
2 February, 2022
Time, Zen and My Father’s Camera – By Eric Charles Jones
The trouble is, you think you have time.
– Buddha
Old cameras have always held a special place in my heart. Especially, the classic cameras of the past that were often built l...
24 January, 2022
Latent Postmodernism and The Act of Photography: Deconstructing the Yashica Y35 – By Michael Kaplan
I have been involved in some aspect of photography for forty-five years. I was 15 when I took my first precarious steps attempting to understand the complex simplicity of a pinh...
My interest in tableaux photography now spans nearly two decades. And one type of scene I like to enact can perhaps be described as stills from a fictitious 1960s Soviet film se...
29 December, 2021
The Influence of Other Artists on my Work – By Nik Stanbridge
We’re all subject to influences whether we know what they are and/or acknowledge them or not. As visual artists we’re influenced by our environment, other artists and photograph...
22 December, 2021
The Influence of Movies on my Work – By Nik Stanbridge
I saw Michelangelo Antonioni’s Blow Up the other day for the umpteenth time and while it is a film that when I first saw it I did get excited about being a photograp...
23 November, 2021
Ten Years Gone: The Ricoh GXR
I have always been a film photographer: I grew up when there was only film and realised, pretty early in the digital age, that the tens of thousands of hours I had already spent...
5 November, 2021
Photographer or Photographic Artist? – by Billy Sanford
This article began as a post in the Photography Books and Theory group on Facebook. It is a friendly and informative group and as the name implies, it is a place to discuss book...