In the olden days, before domestic computers, sharing images shot on neg film was all about physical artefacts. In order to share your work you had to produce something tangible...
When asked if blur in photographs is undesirable because it obscures what is there, William Klein disagreed: "If you look carefully at life, you see blur. Shake your hand. Blur ...
How minimalist can you go and still represent a subject when the photograph appears to be almost abstract and of nothing at all?
I’ve been photographing the ground beneath our ...
So far this year, I have had significantly more film photography related fails than I have had good experiences. I've had overlapping exposures and at least a few issues with po...
A photo must ENGAGE THE VIEWER. This is one of my core beliefs about photography. A photo might have profound meaning or it might be throwing light on injustice or espousing som...
Let me ask you a question. What is the hungriest you’ve ever been? I’m not talking about being hangry. I mean, have you ever been so hungry that perhaps you thought of selling y...
This is the 3rd group project from the Photography Books and Theory Facebook group and, if I do say so myself, another thoroughly interesting one!
This particular experiment wa...
Just before christmas an opportunity came up that I couldn’t refuse.
A camera that I have been researching since I began in film photography came up for sale in the Facebook fi...