It’s December the 23. 2018. Midnight. I’m standing in the bathroom of my parents house brushing my teeth. It felt like nothing had changed since my childhood. Everything as usua...
One of the wonderful things about photography is how broad it is as a pastime. The options are absolutely endless, from capture media, camera type, process to display. In fact, ...
Like many others my introduction to photography was through film - my Dad’s 35mm Yashica originally before moving on to digital. I developed and printed my own prints for a few ...
As many of you might already be aware, for the most part, this year I’ve been a right grump about photography. Despite in many ways finding myself opening more doors than I’ve c...
It is certainly no exaggeration to say that film photography is coming back with a vengeance. Even the most die-hard celluloid sniffers had shelved or sold their analogue gear b...
I thought it might be interesting to follow up my post about my “need” for Zeiss ZM lenses in my life with a post about a lens I don’t “need”, but do “want” - at least for the t...
You are reeling your film into the developing tank for the first time, but somehow the film got stuck. In complete darkness, it’s difficult to tell what’s wrong. It&...
A couple of months ago I went to Stourport and met up with Ashley Carr. This is part 2 of the video I made, if you’d like to see the first part, you can find it here. If you’ve ...