I thought it would be worthwhile to express, as explicitly as possible, what it is that causes me to enjoy film photography more than I enjoy its digital imitation. Although I k...
23 February, 2018
“Are You a Photographer?” – By Frank Wu
“Are you a photographer?” the woman seated next to me on the airplane asked. She had spied my camera bag with two bodies and three extra lenses.
“Are you a model?” I replied, a...
9 February, 2018
It’s Not the Camera – by Frank H. Wu
Deep Springs College, a photo by me of the same place as photographed by professional Sam Contis As a teacher (my day job), I have tried to avoid ever saying that any question f...
26 January, 2018
The Short Life of Tri-X Man – by Frank H. Wu
I am not the person I thought I was. When I got back into film photography, shooting a Contax G2, I envisioned myself loading it with roll upon roll of Kodak Tri-X black and whi...
13 January, 2018
The Contrarian with the Contax – By Frank H. Wu
I am a contrarian. When I was looking to start again in film photography, I knew immediately that I wanted a vintage Contax G2. My goal was to have a camera that was compact eno...
30 December, 2017
Discovering Film Photography in the Digital Age – by Joe Y
Every photographer has a story. Those who take up film photography have especially unique ones. We can all recall our “firsts”: first camera, first photo, first print. These “fi...
...I must have had a latent desire to shoot film again because a few follows later on Instagram and I was hooked! Then not long after that, my wife, ever the avid charity-shopp...
In photography, as in life, it is easy to take ourselves too seriously. Once you go beyond being a simple snapshot photographer and move unto the realm of finer craftsmanship, t...