I am not the person I thought I was. When I got back into film photography, shooting a Contax G2, I envisioned myself loading it with roll upon roll of Kodak Tri-X black and whi...
I am a contrarian. When I was looking to start again in film photography, I knew immediately that I wanted a vintage Contax G2. My goal was to have a camera that was compact eno...
Every photographer has a story. Those who take up film photography have especially unique ones. We can all recall our “firsts”: first camera, first photo, first print. These “fi...
...I must have had a latent desire to shoot film again because a few follows later on Instagram and I was hooked! Then not long after that, my wife, ever the avid charity-shopp...
In photography, as in life, it is easy to take ourselves too seriously. Once you go beyond being a simple snapshot photographer and move unto the realm of finer craftsmanship, t...
Readers of this blog and those who interact with me on social media often comment about what they see as a varied choice of cameras in my collection. The most common comments I ...
Lenses are like the eyes of our cameras, they don’t process information, they just transmit it to what’s behind. Perfect vision, or perfect eyes are always going to ...
On face value, there might appear to be a significant advantage to shooting with a single lens reflex camera over and above the rangefinders and compact cameras I prefer to shoo...