Okay, it might be blasphemy to write this for a photography website. The other night, on a beautiful spring evening, I took Jupiter the dog for a little walk before dinner. I wa...
This is not intended to be a technical text, or even a tutorial. The web is full of writings on the technique of analogue film simulation, or guides on how to apply it to your o...
After seeing some online discussions about the price of film rising I thought I'd revisit and follow up on a piece of writing I previously wrote about darkroom prints, and how I...
Memories are weird. Some fly out of one's head and into oblivion as quickly as they form. Some stay longer, but frequently morph with the years. Others remain burned-in for a li...
Each year I refuse to participate in the game of sharing new year's resolutions. Every year I refuse to make resolutions. I understand however, that for many people they are an ...
I guess we all know about bokeh, originally a Japanese word but now very much part of the English-speaking photographer's vocabulary. I’m into both photography and language-lear...
I feel like Ranting... I don't know what has come upon me these past few months but I feel the urge to rant about photography.
I did photography as a means to connect with my f...
Why use film all of a sudden? In a world filled with digital distractions, it’s nice to get away from it all and do something completely analogue occasionally. It doesn’t come a...