10 April, 2024

Cycling Slow is what I do Best

By Paul Declercq

What happens when you want to share your obsessions? Passion yes! But more like obsessive hobbies that are bikes, film photography, and travel entered my life and decided to nev...

7 December, 2023

Dream Grieving, Photograph Weaving

By Simon King

For my usual documentary work when it comes the time to actually put the puzzle pieces together I find they fit together better and better the more projects I work on. A finishe...

17 September, 2023

360º Migration – A Video Story

By scottfotodotcom

Migration is a not a new phenomenon. But it comes to our attention regularly. News stories are abundant. From terrible tragedies at sea to local communities going to extraordina...

24 February, 2023

The Gratitude Project – By John Pemberton

By John Pemberton

It’s that time of the year.  Joy felt Holiday celebrations are ramping up and resolutions are being planned to contribute to a brighter year ahead.  Photographers make resolutio...