Camera – Noun: A device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals.
Is that all a camera is? A device? A tool for capturing images?
I really liked the Olympus Pen EE-2 I talked about in part 1 of my half frame adventure... But I also like the automation and flash in a point and shoot, so I started to wonder ...
More recently I've started to come across disposable cameras whilst searching the car boats and charity shops of the world for film related stuff. The more I found and bought, t...
I've talked about the Konica Hexar a couple of times on this blog, it's even been reviewed here by master musician Rob Mackillop, but so far, despite owning one for a while, I'm...
Taking a good or great picture with a single use is really all about composition. Other parameters, like light or contrasts, are in the hands of the lab. Motion blur is often in...
The Yashica T3 features an F2.8 35mm lens, the only compact Yashica in the T series to do so. This was one of the reasons I wanted one as I always try and avoid using flash wher...
Alan Duncan of Canny Cameras is a man with a sense of humour. I'm sure he must still be chuckling at the moment I agreed to be sent a mystery camera with the promise of sending ...
A few months ago now I paid a fair few quid for a used and reloaded disposable camera. "Why?" You might ask? Well the answer is also 'Wai', or more accurately 'WaiWai'... (sorry...