Most of my work is social documentary work, usually dealing with the urban landscape and the environment. One of my projects is centred around the Detroit neighbourhood of Delra...
I haven't posted any film photography that I've taken for work on here for a little while. I should make more effort really, as quite often it's the photography I enjoy taking t...
The man with his cigarette I met when I asked him if there was some nice scenery to take a picture of (I was in a town I never was before) He told me there wasn’t really ...
We’ve taken on some new staff at work recently, and as such decided it about time we all had new team head shots, or at least everyone else’s were brought inline wit...
Quite a personal post this one, even by my standards. Yesterday, me and the wife spent a day in the hospital. Nothing too serious fortunately, but serious enough for us to have ...
These are the last of the first batch of photos I have had back from UK Film Lab. Although they look like conventional family shots, they were actually shot for Faye’s bus...
Where appropriate I’ve been subtly introducing a little bit of film photography in to my working day. In this instance the brief was to capture the hustle and bustle of th...