As I've mentioned a fair few times on here before, the Leica M6 is a camera I've owned before. I had one some time ago - way before 35mmc - that I bought to use along side a Voi...
The Leica M Edition 60 – or Leica M60 as it’s more commonly know – is seemingly one of most enigmatic cameras Leica have built, certainly digital cameras....
4 June, 2015
Petri 2.8 Color Corrected Super review – by Andrew
I’d never heard of a Petri camera before happening on to this Petri 2.8 Color Corrected Super… Which kind of surprised me, since it’s actually a pretty nice ca...
Since writing my first Leica M3 post – and in fact actually not long after I published it – I found myself in the possession of a rather tatty Leica M3 double stroke...
When I first read about Hamish’s “Win My Leica” contest, I had little thought that I would end up writing the blog post that he mentioned in the contest guid...
29 April, 2015
Leica M2 Review – Unique in its own Subtle Way
The M2 was Leica's answer to a requirement for a more affordable and more versatile M camera. In many regards it can be seen as a simplified Leica M3, but actually as far as the...
19 April, 2015
Leica M-A Review – The Perfect Rangefinder?
I read on a forum somewhere a comment relating to an individual’s initial response to the Leica M-A as being – in their words – “underwhelming”. Wh...
I'm not always rational when it comes to buying cameras, quite often I buy them just for the experience of owning and trying them. But when it comes to the Leicas, I've tried to...