The biggest issue I have is with the concept of the SLR is the viewfinder. It seems to me that the technology around the SLR viewfinder was flawed from day one, and has now been...
I talked around the way I think differently with different cameras in my hands in my post about the Lure of the Uncomplicated camera. How the Nikon F75 impacted on my thought pr...
The one feature I’ve always desired from a compact camera is a 50mm lens. I would estimate that around 75% of my photography is shot with a normal focal length. This is actually...
I’ve started a little project shooting a Nikon F75. I’m calling it a project, as I want to differentiate it a little from my normal trials with cameras. My intention isn’t to sh...
A few years ago I decided to look for a compact camera to always carry with me. After trying a couple of rangefinder, a plastic point-and-shot and a couple of Minox, none of whi...
Is the Olympus OM4ti camera relevant for 35mmc? I think so. The word “compact” is relative and open to interpretation. There are compact cars and compact vans for example; a ‘co...