The Mountain Nikkor covered in part 1 of this short series is a pretty unusual lens but didn't quite fit the bill in terms of compact size. The quest for a pocketable telephoto ...
The following article is once again a 3-parter but this time it explores long lenses and how they fit into my pursuit of a small and lightweight kit that covers all bases (withi...
The Lomography Daguerrotype Achromat has been around for a few years now- a replica of one of the original portrait lenses from way back in the day, it’s based on a formula from...
This is a review of the Ernst Leitz (Leica) Elmar 9cm f/4 Collapsible lens. Hamish recently reviewed the huge and very fast TT Artisan 90mm 1.25. This is perhaps the antithesis ...
Sometimes I get a bit stuck when it comes to writing a lens review. This usually happens when there’s something about the lens that stops me from using it as much as I need to. ...
This article is mainly a review of an unusual lens - Minolta AF Reflex 500 – one of the few Autofocusing Catadioptric lenses to be made. I also have a Korean-made manual focus ‘...
Today I’m sharing my impressions on Pergear 60mm F2.8 lens in Fuji X mount. The sample was provided by Pergear in April, and it is an early prototype. I also had time to shoot w...
The Meyer Primoplan 75mm 1.9II is the third of the new Meyer lenses I’ve reviewed. Unlike the 100mm Trioplan and 30mm Lydith of which I’d shot old versions before, I’ve never ev...