Oh, the sweet joy and mild anguish of packing cameras for a trip when you used to have GAS and therefore now have something of a collection. I quite enjoy it, but I do spend a s...
There were so many things I was worried about when I shot these slides on a recent trip to Morocco. I was using my Leica M6, which I had recently had serviced, but there were a ...
My dear Paris, when I came to see you on my birthday, you gave me a wonderful gift: you made me feel free to photograph.
I could look through the viewfinder absolutely where, wh...
I grew up in Kolkata, and after graduation I moved to London for work. Since then, I’ve gone back about once a year. Walking around the city with a camera around my neck is what...
Leica and film. Two words that seem to be forever linked in my mind. After playing around with a Leica Monochrom digital for a while it was inevitable that I would end up trying...
I kept visiting more garages and the idea came to me. Why not photograph the vibrant custom motorcycle scene in Bali? I mean, Polaroid, custom motorcycles and exotic Bali, can i...
After using Canon Prima Bf-90 for a while, I decided to switch to Nikon 35ti - so I thought I would follow up my previous post with some new images. I was looking for a sharper ...
The American South has fascinated me, ever since I came to the US. I don’t really know what was it exactly - the accent, the perceived beauty or the images from “Gone with the...