8 December, 2024

Returning to the Hakone Turnpike

By Philip

It was a balmy midsummer’s morning, which in coastal Japanese terms equates to an omnipresent buzz of cicadas and the thick heavy grasp of coastal humidity that one learns...

5 December, 2024

A Camera Trio in Rio

By Jeffery Luhn

Rio de Janeiro means ‘River of January’ in Portuguese. This name was chosen by the explorers who first arrived in their tiny wind-blown ships on January 1, 1502. C...
Afternoon light

4 December, 2024

Hydra on 35mm

By Logan Mortimer

I learned about Hydra during my university years. I was in a ‘Leonard Cohen phase’ and learned that he lived on the Greek island during an early phase of his life....

22 November, 2024

A Castle You Say?

By Ron Duda

Karen, our excellent travel agent, asked if we wanted to stay a while in a castle.  My wife was quicker than I when she responded; sure!  We were planning a trip to th...
Port Union Newfoundland sign

3 November, 2024

Becoming an Honorary Newfoundlander

By Dave Powell

If you visit Newfoundland, you will most assuredly get a chance to become an Honorary Newfoundlander. The ceremony can pop up almost anywhere- from the deck of a whale-watch boa...

29 October, 2024

Padua, a photographer’s goldmine

By Andrea Monti

During a few hours off work, I recently had the chance to wander around Padua, one of the many historical jewels that make up Italy’s immense cultural heritage. What makes...

20 October, 2024

The night Venice talked to me

By Julian Tanase

The dark, silky, smooth waters of the canals are silent now, only a few late boats are disturbing the lights that are dancing in the rhythm of the waves. Where there were armies...