Established as a principality in the mid-14th century, the small medieval state of Moldova is best known for its fierce resistance against the Mongols and Turks, up until the 17...
The character on the right, Hesomaru, is the mascot of Furano. The ‘face’ is drawn on his rather large belly while is head and arms are hidden under the hat. Heso me...
Budapest, Hungary. I am probably visiting this city for the umpteenth time, and I am always amazed, taking in the architecture and meanings of this beautiful place. Like Vienna ...
I took two vacations when I was young. I never recall being disappointed about it, but looking back with a lifetime of experience I realize it was the best my single mothe...
Hokkaido – the ‘new’ or ‘northern territories’ – was largely uninhabited by Japanese until the late 17th century and was annexed by Jap...
Yurakucho is an area and station name, close to Tokyo station, between the expensive Ginza shopping area, the Imperial Palace, and the Marunouchi office, financial and shopping ...
On the east side of Shinjuku station is an area of half a dozen narrow streets, the “Golden Gai” in the Kabukicho district, formerly the post-war black market area and later pro...
Santa Cruz das Ribeiras is located in Pico Island, archipelago of the Azores. Every year, during Shrove Monday afternoon, a group of inhabitants, mainly young people, get togeth...