When I travel overseas and need to pack light, I often take my Leica M2 rangefinder camera with compact 35mm and 50mm f/2.0 Summicron lenses (along with light meter, filters, an...
Speed. For many, this quality has been edging down the list of priorities when it comes to purchasing a lens, especially in an era where sensors have got so good that them produ...
On Monday this week I received a 7Artisans 28mm f/1.4 late-prototype lens to play with. There’s been a lot of information churning around the rumour mills about this lens lately...
It’s been years since I’ve played with a Lensbaby lens. But whilst I don’t partake, I do keep up with what they’re up to - I find their slightly nutty lens ideas fascinating. I ...
The Voigtlander 25mm Snapshot Skopar is an unusual lens that won’t suit everyone but might be perfect for some. It’s small and light but also quite slow and comes only in Leica ...
The Voigtlander 28mm f/3.5 Color-Skopar fits into a category of lenses I own that I can’t quite entirely rationalise. It’s a lens that I only use once or twice a year, but despi...
The 7Artisans 35mm f/2 is a lens I am told we can expect to be released to market in February 2018. The version I’ve been shooting for the last few days is a pre-release prototy...
The Lomography Zenit 20mm f5.6 New Russar+ is a remake of a 1960's Russian lens known as the Russar MR-2. As an ultra-wide it will hold a certain attraction to folks with a penc...