I’ve paired this mid-fifties British 35mm camera with a converted lens that is normally fixed onto the front of a Yashica Electro 35 GS rangefinder. Turns out they go toge...
Imagine you had a roll of film. And maybe it was, I don’t know, some Kodak Portra 400. And let’s say you put it in a camera. Perhaps like a Yashica Electro GSN or something. Now...
The Yashica Electro 35 is one of those cameras that the "in-the-know" rangefinder experts insist we must own. It's a classically styled full-frame 35mm camera with a nice lens t...
I have been filling my kickstarter orders for the last month for the CAMERADACTYL 4x5 Field Camera, which has imprisoned me in my own house, a victim of my own mild success, bab...
Regular readers of this website will be aware of my interest in modified and modifying lenses to work on Leica cameras. I guess this is why Ellis, or f1.420 as he goes by on Ins...